Capo, I really enjoyed Solaris and thought it was very underrated. Have you watched it yet? And what did you think?

Here's some I just bought at some bargain stores in NYC.

I was really happy to find Atlantic City and the Conversation, as all of the rental places in my area dony carry them and I wasnt looking to throw down 18 or 19 dollars for two movies I had never seen. I found them both for about 14 each, and Im usually picky about buying movies I havent seen before, but both of those were listed in this book I got, top 101 films of all time, so I kind of trusted that I wouldnt regret my purchase.

It was really a relief to finally get Thief. I realized I probably just needed to buy it after about the 6th time I rented it, but it too was hard to find. Picked it up for about 14 or 15 in the same place I got The Conversation.

And lastly, Raising Arizona, a great find at only 8$!

I love used DVD stores.

I dream in widescreen.