Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
You consider hiring a thug to break someone's legs a major bust?

Even Sarno was busted for burglaries, basically, if I remember correctly.

Family Secrets was like 90 percent from pre-80s.

This kind of stuff has absolutely nothing to do with the kind of rackateering they used to get caught for.

There has been nothing even remotely of the scale of PENDORF/STRAWMAN or even GAMBAT and there never will be.

no family has ever been or will ever be arrested for a strawman or gambit scandal again

that ain't a good argument plus 20 keys cost a lot of money so dude earned pretty decent

family secrets pinched the street boss and the consigliere

the fbi arrests you for what they can arrest you for

sarno was the street boss when they pinched him for old crimes

People forget what the story is about they loaned 300k to a guy who said he was going to use it for his car dealership instead from what i hear the guys father was a degenerate and gambled it all away so mike Davis an associate reached out to solly D who reached out to johnny who was going to do it for 10k come on 300k is a lot of money I can see then going to the extreme.

Mike davis threatened the debtor to kill his whole family this sent the guy running to the Feds

Johnny also threatened to kill the guy who flipped he told the guys friend to tell the rat what happens to rats well the friend tells the Feds what happened the idiot gets his bail revoked

The DiFronzos were both mentioned in mike davis trial as was solly D including johnny no nose


Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion