I should correct what I said. D'Arco didn't "order" the murders but he did pass on the orders and was involved in their inception and planning.

And you have a point. I should shut up about this guy already.

He shouldn't put himself on a pedestal like he does though. Neil Migliore and Sonny Black didn't run away when people came for them.

And just to go back to your first paragraph. As a co-operating witness, D'Arco had to submit all culpability in crimes, including murder, to the feds in his 302's. So this, allied with his involvement in the Matamoras case becoming more clear, should have seen him get a token prison sentence of approximately 5 years.

He never served anything and it's like his decade long stretch of ratting was mutually beneficial in that it served to shave any sentence he would get.

That is the root of the issue. It contradicts his reasons for ratting.

But you are right. I am rambling again. And they are all scumbags who are bad as the other, but ratting should not absolve you of culpability.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.