Originally Posted By: HandsomeStevie
i Wonder why Cefalu would step down already.. and i wonder what role he will play if he really did step down..

He's had four years (prob more) at the top to line his pockets, and can now ride off into the sunset. I don't even think anybody got hit in the Bino's on his watch he can be charged with.

If he took in a mil a year tax free for 5 years at age 65. Why wouldn't you pass the baton and enjoy the coin?

It's the smartest play

Last edited by SonnyBlackstein; 08/21/15 06:57 AM.

MORGAN: Why didn't you fight him at the park if you wanted to? I'm not goin' now, I'm eatin' my snack.
CHUCKIE: Morgan, Let's go.
MORGAN: I'm serious Chuckie, I ain't goin'.
WILL: So don't go.