Originally Posted By: DonKostic
I still don't get how some of these things work. Let's say that made guy Johnny is put in charge of a sportsbook. Would he actually come to the sportsbook and work there, or have his own guys there and just collect and kick up to his capo?

Also, would a capo run any rackets of his own, or rely on the kick-ups he'd receive from his soldiers and associates?

And how many of these rackets would a family own? If a family has a hundred made guys, is it safe to assume that they also have a hundred sports betting and loan shark operations or is that too great a number?

Last question, how many rackets would a made guy who's not a capo own? If Johnny is just a soldier and not a capo, would he have just the sportsbook as his income or others things as well?

1. If Johnny is put in charge of a sportsbook he would probably put some of his guys in the place or he would take over the operation from the previous guy running it and still keep the people working there and collect his share from it then send the rest of the money up to his Captain.

2. It depends actually. A capo could have his own rackets or just rely on kick-ups. Often a capo has some sort of racket and has a soldier overwatching it and collects the money like I said in the previous answer about Johnny.

3. If a family have 100 made guys they probably don't have that many rackets, it also depends. Usually not all made guys have their own rackets but work for a capo that has one or a couple of madeguys work together with the same racket and then send the money up the ladder.

4. That also depends. LCN is a business, some people are entrepreneurs and some isn't, so it's individual.