DVD REVIEW: The Blues Brothers: 25th Anniversary Edition (WS)

Ok, where to start. This DVD was good, though I really don't see why it was a flipper, but whatever.

Available Subtitles: Spanish, French
Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Contains two versions of the film: the original theatrical verison and the new director's cut
Stories behind the making of The Blues Brothers: Go behind the scenes with John Landis, Dan Aykroyd, and the Blues Brothers band; Exclusive in-depth interviews with the cast and crew and never-before seen footage
Introduction to the film by Dan Aykroyd
Going Rounds: A Day on the Blues Brothers tour
Transposing the music
Remembering John
Musical Highlights
Production Notes

I liked that they included both versions, because I had never seen the Director's Cut, and it was good, gave a little more insight into The Bluesmobile, etc.

Stories... was also a GREAT documentary which details interesting stories and tid bits about the making of the Blues Brothers.

As for the featurettes: Going Rounds was a little disappointing, as it only features 2 songs from a concert at a House of Blues earlier this year. Remembering John was a little tribute to John Belushi and told some funny stories about him, it includes some vintage clips so it isn't bad. Transposing was decent, told about how they selected the music for the film and the impact The Blues Brothers had on Pop Culture.

This DVD had great sound and presented a nice, clear picture.

DVD: ***

Hey, how's it going?