Originally Posted By: gangstereport
Originally Posted By: night_timer
Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
Through all my reading, I have never even heard 1 name mentioned of who may or may not have been one of the 4 people in white trench coats and black russian hats?

Has anyone heard ANY names mentioned?

Who were the Gambino's most trusted killers in 1985?

Is it possible that Senter and Testa were both there. I assume that if someone told them that Castellano ordered the hit on their mentor, revenge would be sought by them both.

The fact that they changed families around this exact time makes me wonder........Meaning, they did a HUGE piece of work, expected to be rewarded but, never were.......Welcoming arms of Lucchese's appears.

Anyone else pondered this topic?

Did you notice, IIM, in your travels that Richard 'Iceman' Kuklinski laid claim to being one of the shooters in the Castellano/Bilotti hit?

WTF was that bogus claim all about? (And it wasn't his only outrageous claim, either...)

He talked so much rubbish he says he was involved the carmine galante murder, Roy demeo, castanalno and even said he killed Jimmy hoffa

Don't get me wrong at his height he was the biggest hit man in America and he was a serial killer he just killed people for no reason and to be fair he spent alot of time with Roy demeo so he might have known about that one. He did make a living out of doing hits for the five families plus the decavs.

But he lied about a lot of the famous hits like castanalo and galante because he was doing life in prison without parole he had nothing to lose and he wanted to build. his reputation up he loved telling the press about the people he killed he was crazy

Kuklinski's bullshit has been discussed on this site ad nauseum. While he was known to hang around the Gemini Lounge on occasion, we only have his word on his being an associate of DeMeo. There's no real evidence for it.
