Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
Originally Posted By: Nicholas
Was Allie Boy the good looking idiot somehow related to the hilariously stereotypical Larry Boy?

That scene when he repeats, verboten, everything that Richie Aprile says when Richie is seeking support for overthrowing the regime is absolutely hilarious. Dare I say its a scene that really only an Italian could laugh at?

That article is like 12 years old dude

hahaha Mickey u made me laugh out loud in my night class u prick got a wicked look from my prof whos a judge...too fuckin funny
On post script; after watching that scene again for the dozenth time, it's more apparent that Allie Boy was deliberately fucking with Richie

Dafuq? It had me in stitches, I'm certainly not Italian.

I didn't need that shit that happened the other day.
You don't need that shit that happened the other day.

Imagine getting a facelift, one week later you're in jail.
Can you imagine that, you get a facelift and one week later you're in jail?
While some people are stuffing themselves.
Some people are out there stuffing themselves.

How about you, Albert? Weigh in anytime.
I'm with him.
All things being equal? No.
Make a move against tony soprano? No way.
I don't know what to tell you.

lol lol lol

That all things being equal line always gets me as well. I agree that Albert was fucking with Richie, but doesn't he have a reputation for it? Paulie calls him a parakeet in an episode I'm pretty sure.

Besides Richard Maldone, Lillo Brancato Jr was involved in a murder charge, Federico Castellucio was linked to Andy Mush, Tony Darrow/Anthony Borgese was linked to Gambino soldiers, Vincent Pastore has been in court for bashing a girlfriend and Tony Sirico was a Colombo associate. I'm pretty sure there's others, thats all I can remember of the top of my head though.

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"