Copy pasted from my personal notepad. I was studying joe bonanno at the time and was wondering what was going on in AZ during the peak mob era. Definitely the Bonnanos, who had two crews in Arizona around the time of the banana war, and Pete Licavoli who retired there. There's a pretty detailed summary of the Chicago Outfit's interests in AZ. I think Chuck Inglish was the representative, plus a lot of associates. Toodoped would know.

"Bonfanno’s leader in Arizona was Charles Joseph Battaglia Jr. Battaglia was made in to the LA family in 1953 by Frank DeSimone and participated in the murder of the two Tonys. He had froze up during the hit and only fired a shot. His brother remained the biggest bookie in the LA family while he switched his loyalties to the Bonannos and moved to Phoenix. There was considerable confusion as to Bonanno’s status in LCN during the war. His inaccessibility to the rank and file when in Tucson confused them. Bataglia was considering changing families. LCN members in Arizona were Russ Andalaro, Salvatore Bruno, Anthony Cacioppo, Mike Cosenza, Joseph Genovese, Vito Mule, Peter Sciortino, Anthony Sciuto, and Salvatore J. Spinelli.

Another Arizona member was Michael Cosena who was very close with Pete Licavoli. Cosenza came to Tuscon for health reasons in the 40’s. Cosenza exerted influence over the longshoremen’s union in New York. Cosenza wanted to start up rackets but Joe Bonanno nixed it. Subsequently he became close to Pete Licavoli who actually helped him. Cosenza believed Bonanno to be more powerful on the national stage. People feared him but they liked Licavoli. "

Other than that its possible KC or a midwest family had some holdings there. Definitely open territory without an official family but that doesn't mean there wasn't mob activity in Phoenix or Tuscon.