Satch : Yes everyone knew and he had a girl in Philly and AC-Ventnor girl.But he would show her while he was with Chuckie's kid.

I know in that life they do there lady's bad ,but to put it in front of her brother and uncles and father come on !

No as far as paying ,it was embarrassment,disrespect. I don't think that Scarfo was going to kill him just for that .Cos he disrespected his ladys also.
So Chuckie needed a different angle ,and that was drugs with the blacks.
And yea he had cash and he was good looking and he was "Italian" , what more do you want.

As far as what Nicky wanted I am sure he did not want the kid dead . He did have people in his ear . That life is treacherous ,those guys wanted Salvie's shit period .
So they all seen Chuckie was hot and they started with a angle ,thats whats it's all about. Dam shame.

I think most people think Nicky just wanted to kill Salvie ,I don't think so .But who knows in these crazy fucks minds.

He and his wife Mimi was salvie's god parents . But Nicky was so crazy that if his wife liked something he would take it away.
He was the same way to his sister.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."