What you said got me thinking, so I drew this up real quick.

2005 - Layer Cake
2004 - Collateral
2003 - Kill Bill
2002 - Narc
2001 - Ocean’s 11
2000 - Traffic
1999 - American Beauty
1998 - The Truman Show
1997 - Boogie Nights
1996 - Fargo
1995 - Heat
1994 - Pulp Fiction
1993 - Carlito’s Way
1992 - Reservoir Dogs
1991 - Bugsy
1990 - Goodfellas
1989 - Sex, Lies, and Videotape
1988 - Big
1987 - Raising Arizona
1986 - Ferris Beuller’s Day Off
1985 - The Breakfast Club
1984 - This is Spinal Tap
1983 - Scarface
1982 - Rocky III
1981 - Thief
1980 - Raging Bull
1979 - Apocalypse Now
1978 - Grease
1977 - Star Wars
1976 - Taxi Driver
1975 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
1974 - The Godfather Part II
1973 - Mean Streets
1972 - The Godfather
1971 – Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
1970 – The Aristocats
1969 – Hello, Dolly!
1968 – 2001: A Space Oddysey
1967 - The Graduate

Before 1967, I havent seen enough to really know. I'm already pushing it with some of the 70's and 60's ones, but I wanted to get at least down to Space Oddysey.

I dream in widescreen.