Here is the deal. The italians were hard working and kept their hood clean. Their culture is the best hands down. Try going to a Muslim household for a sunday dinner ! Damn, i just passed the fuck out thinking about it.
The chinese, mexicans, and muslims leave a lot to be desired when it comes to hygene and they just dont assimilate like the Itailians did. You ever go into a muslims home?? Messy as hell. Chinese can be dirsty as well. Mexicans are a funny bunch, they can live in a van and call it home but more investigation is about assimilation, lots of italians are war vetarans. Dont get me wrong or dont get me Wong, i do like some of those chinese message joints and for good reason.
As far as the mexicans/ roofers, every now and then you find a pretty hot looking chicano broad who i would welcome to any italian hood with open arms.
Well, i couldnt open my arms too much because im juicing for the summer and my arms are pretty fuckin big. But still, she would be welcomed.

Last edited by Crash; 08/16/15 01:19 PM.