Just to dispel some myths posted here.

1) Poverty has demonstrated a minor correlation with violent crime, but not been shown to have causitive effect. A much higher correlation can be drawn to violent crime between income negligible racial groupings. Is, high income black people still commit higher crimes than whites or Asians of lower income brackets. Your attempt to compare today's black youth associated violence with that of 1930s American mobsters is unjustifiable. Care to compare the rates of crime between Prohibition era mobsters and gang bangers of today? Raheem and Trayvon make Luciano and Capone look like Ghandi.

2) A 911 dispatch(not an officer) has no legal bearing to tell someone to do anything. They are not officers. Should Zimmerman have followed that kid? Probably not. Should Trayvon have smashed his head into the ground after circling back to confront him? Again, likely not. Don't forget, TrayTray reached the safety of his fathers house before turning back. He initiated violence.
