Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: satch7

I am going to be honest only a brain dead black man could be happy with the racial deal in America. All that praying, marching and forgiving shit has not changed one thing. We saw Zimmerman get off for some crap I could never get away with in 1,000 years in the worst ghetto in America plus saw folks reward Zimmerman and Darren Wilson with bounty money for killing unarmed black teenagers.The Zimmerman case made me for the first time in my life say "hey it is time to get a gun" and I am 56 yrs old. My biggest threat is not the hoodlum in the hood but racist cops and everyday racists because they can kill me and lie and folks will let them walk.i had a co-worker say 'MLK would not be happy with folks rioting in Ferguson",I said what do you think he would have said about folks sending Zimmerman and Wilson 1.5 mil for the lying crap they got away with?.The state has no business killing unarmed folks over nonsense like jaywalking and driving without a front tag

Allow me to be honest in return. It's the utter bullshit you posted above that's a prime example of the complete inability of so many black people to look past their own skin color and see things objectively.

I mean, who the hell do you think you're kidding? Zimmerman is no boy scout but Treyvon attacked him and was killed in self defense. Officer Wilson was completely justified in shooting Michael Brown who, let's not forget, bullied and robbed a store clerk not long before he attacked Wilson. The investigation and eye witnesses bore this out and Browns buddy was shown to be a liar. Both Treyvon and Brown were just ghetto thugs who likely would have ended up in prison on the tax payers dime. Their deaths were no loss to society. And before you come here and run your mouth, try doing some research and compare the numbers of blacks killed by other blacks and those killed by cops. There is no comparison. But you have more to fear from the cops? Get the hell out of here.

To paraphrase Warren Beatty in the movie Bulworth, until you people put down the chicken wings and malt liquor and get behind someone other than thugs who rob convenience stores and attack cops, you'll never go anywhere.

so what you and others try to do is say there should be no crime in black neighborhoods before something is done about certain bs?Let me tell you that stuff you are talking is apple and oranges.Those dirt poor guys killing each other over drugs is no different than the mob murders that happened in the 1930's over alcohol; poverty drives crime decriminalize drugs and crap goes away. Who gets killed over selling alcohol now? no freaking body!!!.Black folks with well-paying jobs are not committing violent crimes,but they are at risk of getting smoked by a cop or KKK type still.Trayvon got killed in a gated community his father could afford to live in.This website is about stone killers by the way.should i stereotype all Italians? hell no I not better than that.

The police killings we have seen on video is the STATE killing people for trivial stuff. The Trayvon Martin stuff? Zimmermann has six different mug shots, how did he get them? and you believe him? You heard the 911 operator tell him to do nothing because the cops were on the way just like I did. Darren Wilson got fired from a police dept(Jennings, Mo) that got disbanded for racism but I am going to believe him?

Dude we played touch football in the street all the time.The cops never told us to get the f out the street like that POS did.Also, I lived(married to an STL girl) in St Louis for six yrs I know way more about the crap that goes on there with the cops than you do, i can tell you some stories.Ferguson has had about one homicide a yr for the last 15 years.that is not a crime riddled town, my inlaws live 5 minutes from there.I never worried about the cops there when i lived there, but I would not drive thru Jennings Missouri where Darren Wilson and those other goons were working before they ALL got fired. How do you know how those guys lives would have turned out? neither had a juvenile record so how can you say that? they were both in school. We saw how Wilson and Zimmermann were acting before those incidents. If they had juvenile records you better believe some low life would have leaked it. So let's agree to disagree, I know the deal with you. Your lil malt liquor and chicken wings statement tells me everything i need to know about where you coming from. Also, I better not see any folks rioting over a football or hockey game again since you talking about riots.

Last edited by satch7; 08/16/15 07:07 AM.