Yeah, Ive posted my thoughts on Collateral on another thread I think. Like I said a couple posts up, its one of my favorites of all time, #24 on my top 50 list.

A great performance by Cruise with some really quick-witted dialogue. He really moves well in this movie I thought, his whole posture and body language throughout really convey to you his character of hardened hitman for hire.

Jamie Foxx turns in a somewhat amateurish performance I thought, although it was still good. He is very believable as Max the cab driver, but at certain points when he is panicing in the car I was thinking he was like a TV sitcom actor.

Mann again does an excellent job of showing you the city of Los Angeles. I read one review of Heat where the critic described Mann's work as "making you fall in love with the city, just wanting to be there," and I feel like he did that here too.

I also thought Mark Ruffalo put in a good performance in this movie as the cop, I forget his name at the moment. He didn't have a whole lot of scenes but he brought flare to the role with his fast paced police work and his whole Hispanic thing.

The movie in total, while not having that whole "epic saga" thing that Heat had going on, still comes off well. It's interesting to see the multilayered story line; Vincent battles with Max, Vincent battles with the cops, Max battles with himself, Vincent battles with his targets, etc. It works on a lot of different levels.

The only thing I was really kind of dissapointed with was the ending. A little bit too melodramatic for me, but it didn't ruin the film or even the climax or anything.

So bottom line, great film, good cast, but to me the real star is Mann and his direction.

I can't wait for Miami Vice.

And by the way, Don V, Collateral is 3rd to which two?

I dream in widescreen.