Originally Posted By: getthesenets
How serious is Trump about the illegal immigration issue?

He's made strong statements about better enforcement of existing laws, but he has and continues to exploit the financial benefits of hiring illegals in several if not most of his businesses.

Do as I say,not as I do?

There's a way that businesses legally circumvent these laws about hiring illegals and I'm certain Trump will hide behind this when/if he gets exposed for employing illegals for the the pennies on the dollar that people LEGALLY here would work for.

I think that illegal immigration will eventually strain the resources of this country in ways that will turn EVERYBODY vehemently against it....but for now calling BS on Trump's words.

Gettthesents no thrump does not hire illegals. He does hire Mexicans but legal Mexicans.

He hires from a source that checks the back grounds of who he hires. So your wrong about that

only the unloved hate