Finally, looks like we'll get a new boxset edition of a certain 70's masterpiece; from :

Verdict: Are there any plans to revisit some of his other films or if there's anything in the pipeline you can talk about?

Aubry: We're working on an elaborate, enhanced version of Apocalypse Now that I hope will be really great for fans. Both versions are on DVD but neither of them have any bonus content. That's probably the biggest one. We'll probably take a look at Dracula because we were not involved in the first Sony release of Dracula.

Verdict: Are there any extras for Apocalypse Now you can tempt us with?

Aubry: (long pause) A lot has been said about the process of making Apocalypse Now in the Philippines, it's been talked about in documentaries and news coverage and books. But not much has been said or written about the post-production process of Apocalypse Now and that always bugged me because of my roots in post-production. I think Apocalypse Now of course owes a great deal of its importance to the writing and the photography that took place, but it also owes quite a bit to the post-production issues. They shot a million and a half feet of negative on that film, it had to be edited, it had to be thought about, and it had to be structured and sculpted, and so on our DVD I think we're going to look at the post-production Apocalypse in an in-depth way. But it's early.

After looking through Coppola's Zoetrope DVD's work on many of his titles, including his recent releases like RUMBLE FISH, they do a pretty damn good job for all their titles, even the infamous mega box-office bomb ONE FROM THE HEART, can't wait for their job on APOCALYPSE NOW. The Coppola commentary track should be a trip....