Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
Here is a something that I wonder.......WHO was the first made member to be whacked for being involved with drugs?.....Meaning, where did this fictitious rule of drugs=death start?

Who was the first to get punished for it?

I don't know which gangster was the first to be whacked for selling drugs, but it would have to be someone after 1951.

I am of the belief that it was the 1951 Boggs Act which prompted the Commission to outlaw renegade drug dealing and declare dope to be the exclusive territory of Commission Bosses only. Meaning, if you weren't on the Commission, you were not part of the Mafia drug empire, even if you were a Boss.

Each Commission Boss represented a city in the transit point of international narcotics trafficking and/or a unique entry point for narcotics into the United States, the profits of which were then split evenly by commission bosses. I believe these bosses worked together in some cases to move the same exact dope through different cities, like a conveyor belt.

Some bosses were in control of not just a transit point, but an entry point, such as Manhattan or Brooklyn harbor, Miami, or the Canadian and Mexican borders.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."