I agree PB and for the life of me I really can not get it.
If there is a researcher here that runs across what I am speaking of please post.

It was told to me a long time ago,and the person was very reliable and all these years I have never gave it a second thought.

I know that if the Westside wanted him out he would be out.

But I know the document is somewhere .

I can not go into who told me other then he him self is in that field .

The post that I post of how it possibly went down was just that ,no facts .

But the document is out there and I have no clue how you guys get that shit.

Like I said if someone will look into it ,I did not hear anything about the Chin,it was only that guy the Greek .He came out of the joint then he got pinched again ,went away,came out tried again and died. Thats all I know.

I added the only reason he may do it was a favor for Manna through Scarfo . But just a thought .Unless there was real money involved.

It must of been around the time he was fighting with Stanfa and no one would of cared if Skinny got hit. 91-93 again guessing.

Last edited by Serpiente; 08/12/15 05:43 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."