Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
Something else I realized, Costello had a lot of gambling, lot of income with his business with Lansky and Luciano, and this funded his political protection. I'm thinking in order to compete Adonis and Luchesse moved a lotta drugs to make their political payoffs. The Luchesses seem to be the biggest in New York cause of distribution, they actually had markets like Pleaseant ave to move drugs. Genovese later had his nightclub network, Bonnano had the middleman position on this side of the Atlantic, taking from the Sicilians and facilitating deals with the Americas through Montreal. The Gambinos seemed to be agents of Luciano and maybe Luchesse, as Luciano really couldn't trust Genovese at this time, and probably couldn't really trust Costello with something that Blue-Collar... Thoughts??

Thanks for mentioning me. My thoughts are that New York was huge in narcotics because the two largest families had the Manhattan and Brooklyn harbor unions. Due to the sheer volume of freight moving through those two ports, freight that could not all be checked and examined because there was simply too much of it, and due to the regular shipping lines that regularly arrived from Europe, and due to New York's proximity to Europe, it made the New York City harbors the easiest and most logical place for massive amounts of heroin to enter the United States.

And I think it still does.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."