Bush only messed up Bush. That's a hurdle for Jeb Bush, but not the other candidates. The current crop of candidates are all top people...former governors, senators, a brain surgeon, a billionaire real estate developer, and the former CEO of HP. Rand Paul isn't just a senator, he's also an eye surgeon. Several are former prosecutors. Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz (who was one the lawyers on O.J.'s defense team back in the 1990s) said that Ted Cruz was his best student and a top debater. Some of the former governors were re-elected in majority Democrat states, something that takes real skill and bipartisanship.

And they don't represent the 1950s, but they do have stronger religious beliefs than Democrats. Atheists tend to lean Democrat and conservative Christians and Jews lean Republican. So that's good or bad depending on your values. If you like socialism, abortion, poor race relations, and consider international terrorism relatively unimportant, then you'll probably vote Democrat. If you like the free market, are pro-life, want better race relations, and think terrorism is important, then you'll probably vote Republican.