Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Serpiente
But why the same hatred for Amuso ? did he do the same thing ?

Because he was a party to it. Like I said in my much longer post above, he obviously suffered from some kind of co-dependency that allowed him to go along with Casso on everything. He's a stand-up guy, though. Credit where credit is due.

Thanks " and understood . I did not know if Amuso was like that the whole time.
I am sure the dependency came from Casso proving him wrong a few times when Casso had the answers already to Amuso's thoughts .
Casso did have a few fed's (i hear) also the NYPD guys that got pinched in his pocket.

I would think in the beginning Amuso was keeping Casso a little at bay ,but when Casso kept coming up dead on he must have caved .

I think I said that right !

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."