Just got 2 Akira Kurosawa Boxes which include all together 35 DVD's! Got a few movies twice and afew have 2 DVD's...Now I need ALOT of time on my hands

I found a Pic of the smaller BOX:

Box 1:
11 DVD's -- KOMPLETT-SET !!!

DVD 1 + DVD 2 : Seven Samurai -- Die sieben Samurai : 208 Min. (2 DVD's)
DVD 3 : Rashomon: 88 Min.
DVD 4 : Ikiru -- Einmal wirklich leben : 143 Min.
DVD 5 + DVD 6 : The Bad Sleep Well -- Der Schlechte Schlaf Gut : 151 Min. (2 DVD's)
DVD 7 : Stray Dog -- Streu Hund : 133 Min.
DVD 8 : Hidden Fortress -- Versteckter Fortress : 128 Min.
DVD 9 + DVD 10 : Red Beard -- Roter Bart : 185 Min.(2 DVD's)
DVD 11 : The Throne of Blood -- Der Throne des Bluts : 110 Min.

Technische Daten:
• 11 DVD's -- KOMPLETT-SET mit 8 Filme -- 11 DVD-Disc Edtion
• Code: ALL ( Weltweit, auf jedem Player abspielbar )
• Sprachen / Untertitel : Japanisch / Englisch
• Dolby Digital 5.1

Box 2: The Film of Akira Kurosawa 24 DVD Collection include all 22 Movies:

1. Sanshiro Sugata (2 Dvds)
2. The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail
3. One Wonderful Sunday
4. Drunken Angel
5. Stray Dog
6. Scandal
7. Rashomon
8. The Idiot
9. Lkiru
10. Seven Samurai
11. Throne of Blood
12. The Hidden Fortress
13. The Bad Sleep Well
14. Red Beard
15. The Lower Depths
16. Dreams
17. Madadayo
18. Rhapsody In August
19. Kagemusha (Pal Format)*
20. Ran (Pal Format) (Japanese audio with Chinese or French subtitle)*
21. The Quiet Duel (Japanese audio with Chinese subtitle)*
22. Dersu Uzala (2 Dvds) (optional Russian / English audio with English subtitle)*

Quote of the Moment:

"Fredo - you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever."
Michael Corleone

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