Originally Posted By: azguy
PB, my comment was more in general and not directed at you at all.... It was more about the thread if Skinny could put together $250K or not or anyone in the Philly mob could.....along with the constant talk of "broke-sters"...

...maybe these guys made this bankroll off of crank or H and maybe that's easy to do if you wanna deal in that...

My point was this is a good bank roll for anyone, never mind a couple of schmucks in Springfield

And you're spot-on. Crooks are gonna follow the money, no matter where they are or what they call themselves (whether it's Cosa Nostra or some gang set).

It's been like that since the beginning of time, and it will always be that way because there will always be criminal minded people in this world wink smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.