Originally Posted By: dannymac
Been trying to find a copy of the Woodward Commission on corruption in NSW police.The thing I like about police in Australia is they are not adverse to takin on the crims. Cops like Rogerson,Skull Murphy seemed to be happy to play the crims at there own game.Where the two said cops really as crooked as is alledged or was it crims spreading stories with no fact to back them up Has It been proved beyond a doubtthat Rogerson and Murphy were crooked

Originally Posted By: night_timer

If you detect a bad smell around here, it's probably thanks to independent Australian politician John Hatton, who successfully initiated the Woodward Royal Commission into police corruption in Australia, courtesy of The Police Farce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CILyHEgYIrI

Lauer resigned before the Wood Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service, held between '95 and '97. Justice Woodward headed an entirely different Commission into drug trafficking between '77-'79. They were two separate investigations.

Especially with Rogerson back in the news accused of murder lol Fred Krahe was another one those type of cops you mention.
I found an old list of those accused by Woodward as comprising the Griffith 'Ndrine at the time in the R.C, sooner or later I'll find a another old chart that had their birth-dates and notes which helped tell them apart. I don't believe every member was identified by any means, but this is at least who Woodward identified.
True to the Society's SOP's, there was a great deal of intermarriage between families and cousins to solidify bloodlines and make it that much harder to develop informants, as they'd be testifying against their own blood in most cases.
Antonio Sergi
Guiseppe Scarfo
Rocco Barbaro
Leonardo Gambacorta
Pasquale Agresta
Francesco Barbaro
Antonio Sergi (another relation of the first Antonio listed)
Guiseppe Sergi (two guys named Guiseppe, and older and younger)
Guiseppe Agresta
Luigi Pochi
Vincenzo Ciccarello
Vincenzo Barbaro
Vincenzo Piscioneri
Saverio Barbaro
And of course Aussie Bob Trimbole. FWIW, the guy who's often called "the Australian God-Father" was pretty much the equivalent of a Capo, if that. He had the gift of the gab and was known for his ability to cultivate contacts from all walks, but always answered to Sergi's and Barbaro's directions, the elders. I wrote an article a while back that was published in a local rag, but I have the original copy somewhere.
Fuck moving, I hate it.

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 08/02/15 06:53 PM.
