Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Originally Posted By: thebigfella
I think they just fucked up the hit plain and simple, no master plan...we have to follow what happens to grande to find out the truth

No doubt , just the strangest thing from guys that have lived that life through and through .

Did Dom leave them and Nic not have a clue till the handcuffs were put on !

The state never said that Nic was the shooter but he was involved and his car was used committing a felony so obviously the police know there was another shooter....i am guessing if it was a drug hit and not a CN hit or outside of philly that someone who is outside of the family will get pinched soon and probably try to tell what they know or heard aboujt the hit....the philly pd OC unit probably already know exactly what happned through informants and niccodemos actions but they have no proof on getting grande other than heresay......... one day it may come out that it was a planned out LCN sanctioned hit...... but i just think it happned liek stated above some old beef from 10th and orange and maybe some drug crap and saw the guy and popped him over there near marconi park