Originally Posted By: Tonytough
Originally Posted By: Themafia
Originally Posted By: Tonytough
There's a bunch of turkish gangsters that run the local drug trade, plus probably import/ export, run card games, etc

I know nothing about Turkish OC and beat up one of them over a decade ago. Random neighborhood fight

Now- my point is, if you've never heard of a "made guy" his badge only goes so far. The guy I smacked up could have been a turk Roy demeo for all I know...

I think it's very rare for a mobster to get attacked especially a made guy sure on a very rare occasion it might happen but it almost never happens.

What makes u think that? Like I said in an earlier post, most made guys are middle aged out of shape/ on a power trip

Inside their neighborhoods I can imagine they're pretty safe but wiseguys like to drive all over the city. And road rage is very common. I don't think the average tough guy non LCN related ie blacks or Hispanics give two damns

Thats exactly why they don't go into these neighbourhoods you won't see a wiseguy at some housing project they don't go into these areas because you are right they won't know who they are but most groups respect and fear la costra nostra even in prison they rarely get attacked there is fights every day in prison and when a mobster gets hurt all of us talk about it shows how rare it is mobsters stick to themselves they don't associate with other groups its why there is no confrontation in prison and on the streets they just don't mix. Mobsters have there own way of doing things plus anyone big time knows a mobster its why the five families have thousands of associates.

The only group to have confrontation with the mafia that I can think of is the Albanians and look at how that turned out they had that meeting with arnold and the gambinos and they backed down they knew the mafia is too strong to be fucked with and the feds recently said that just before the Albanians had been arrested the lucheses had been planning on whacking all the Albanians in so the feds arrested the Albanians early so there would be no violencen