It's different because its NOT an LCN group. There was no initiation rite, several ethnicities comprised it and there was no real formal hierarchy. It was a bunch of guys hanging out at La Porcetta (a restaurant), most had their own interests and simply backed each other up on occasion. Though some sources state they're still in operation, it seems like a bit of a Merlino type situation; the hype surrounding Gatto means that there are folk who pick up tabs, loan money, etc, to be seen as "near" him. He runs an "industrial arbitration" firm last time I checked, whatever the fuck that means. Basically he settles arguments for money.
Wikipedia is a terrible source for the Crew, they were never in any real competition with any 'Ndrine, Gatto was too smart for that, at least. I have a grudging respect for Gatto, mostly because he killed that nut-bag Veniamin, but also because he has strived to keep a relatively low profile. Mario Condello did have links to certain families, but mainly through his work as a lawyer (until he was disbarred) and his money-laundering operations. He also bought drugs through some cells.
Melbourne crime reporter John Silvester claims that Gatto and Condello were one taken in by a 414 (Nigerian Prince) scam, and lost thousands, though I'll admit he has been seen tohave an agenda of his own in the past.
Letting Mokbel get beaten by bikers in front of him (Gatto) is really a major factor in why the war started, ie, helping Williams finance from a nobody to a player. Although nobody really expected the fat kid to have the balls he eventually showed, and also supposedly turning Benji Veniamins allegiances away from Gatto (although that crazy fuck just seemed to want to be able to kill, for anyone who was willing to pay him or not).

The first series of Underbelly really was ground-breaking as far as Aussie TV goes. The second series was alright, by the third I'd started losing interest. I haven't bothered with any after that, but I heard Mokbelly was good, and mean to check that out at some stage.
