Originally Posted By: Themafia
Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Originally Posted By: mackinblack007
Wacked right in the middle of Uncle Joes trial, talk about bad press, was somebody trying to get rid of him? follows the pattern od the Billy Veasey murder the day his brother was set to testify(Stanfa was done after that one), The murder of Anthony Turra right in the middle of his trail, so where they trying to make Uncle Joe,or even borgayzi look bad? who knows but no boss would let that happen in the middle of his trail.


That whole thing will make you crazy if you try to make any real sense out of it.
I have tried to figure out what went down and not one scenario makes sense to me.
Please someone with a good mind try to piece together that ...

this is SCOTT BURNSTEIN theory of how and why it went down


i think it was okayed by steve and joey but i cant understand how it was so badly planned i mean its not like its nicdemeos first hit he was involved with the johnny cassanto and raymond muders so you would think maybes its a heat of the moment type thing but dom grande the shooter was wearing mask and was carrying a gun which makes you think maybe it was planned i really dont understand this

Read that before and still do not understand maybe dont believe that they actually sat down and planned that out....niccodemo is relatively bright guy, he owns(ed) sveral properties in the area legitimately he ran a multi million dollar book out of the borgata.....

seems more like as stated above grande and niccodemo were all yaoed and up grande saw dipietro and said fuck this guy and shot him at 2 in the afternoon and then niccodemo maybe had no clue what was going down or to the extent drove away stunned, dropped grande off somwehere and police were at his house a few minutes later and if he sells out grande he sells out every single one of his friends and family that he had for life