On Russel Bufalino: I would say powerful in Pennsylvania but not within the commission. He was recognized as the boss there by the commission but you have to remember that this guy came up (directly) under Joseph barbara who was responsible for the worst mob cluster-fuck in OC history (Appalachian) that completely ended him emotionally a financially.

Bufalino took over but lost a rather large amount of respect, as he, himself helped organize the meeting. Bufalino was a HUGE name to utter in the mid 1960's up until 1977 when he was indicted for extortion but after that it was fumble after fumble for him.

1.) Sentenced August 8, 1978 for extortion in which he personally threatened someone over $25,000. Was then released in the early 1980's.

2.) Almost immediately after his release he then attempted to whack the man for testifying against him in 1977 but used a confidential informant to do so and did 10 years for it.

3.) Released once again around 1990 but had already (allegedly) passed down day-to-day activities to his driver and protege Big Billy E'Elia (who in 2008 testified to a grand jury in an attempt for leniency) then was hounded by federal authorities for the remaining 4 years of his life, died in 1994.

Not a sterling career fitting of a boss recognized by the commission in my opinion, at least not in his later years.

On Frank Sheeran: I feel with a 99% certainty that yes, he was the man who killed Jimmy Hoffa while another crew was responsible for the disposal of his body to separate connections and insulate those involved: Giacalone, Provenzano, Bufalino.