Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
Originally Posted By: Tonytough

Originally Posted By: night_timer
...who loved bashing off-duty cops after dark.

Sure, when he was surrounded by Jason and his crew.

Nothing wrong with that, you'll find 99.9% mobsters will only hurt & extort weaker people either with a gun or numbers.

Well, there is something wrongwith that, but yeah, I know. Something about the glorification of Gangitano in particular has always irked me though. [/quote]

Yeh I know what u mean but almost every mobster gets glorified in some way by the media... That's how they sell their papers & books sadly

Eg Merlino has huge fan boys on this site alone, yet how many times has he walked up to another tough guy and offered to fight them one on one fairly? Not much

He's either packing a gun or has guys with him or both