Well this subject is really not something that we can discuss in reality, I have tried it too many times with too many people to know that in 2 second it becomes personal and not constructive (as you already started by using expressions such as "people like you" and "you are not the answer to anything"). It is a subject where you can simply state your opinion and flip the middle finger, but it's very boring and old now.

When discussing the problems of immigration it is completely irrelevant what the non-problematic people do. I understand very well that people of all ethnicities smile, kiss babies and work. I am currently staying in an area with about 80% black and arab people, so I see it very well with my own eyes. I'm sure you also live with the immigrants, no? Mass immigration causes big problems, and mass immigration form very different cultures causes very big problems. It has always been that way and always will. By the way it's completely natural, it's some kind of weird bubble that some people live in where they think it would be a smooth process. Now to start asking the truly important questions, such as why IS immigration so important (at least to you) to begin with that we should do it so much even though it causes so many problems. But again it's a 50 year old argument that everyone has heard a thousand times. We will disagree because we have different view of the world as a whole.