I'm sure you understand that there are more than 4 mosques in Sweden. Not that it's important. To me the Swedish people can do whatever they want, it's not my problem. I just hope those attitudes stay in Sweden and don't come across the border to where I'm from.

More than immigration I hate the speech about immigration, the absolute bullshit nonsense that most politicians and activists spew. And of course the amusing fact that the liberals really are never worried about the violent outbursts of immigrants, only the anti-immigration parties are dangerous. I'm in France now and just a couple of weeks ago on the national day the immigrants (or "youth" as it is reported) burned 160 cars in Paris, as to show what they think about their new country. During the last month there have been news about plotted and attempted terrorist strikes in mainland France every week. There are soldiers with assault riffles on every train- and metro station, every airport. Yet they're worried about Le Pen. Well guess what, the soldiers are not there for Le Pen. Again, I don't care about what the French do either. Every country gets what it deserves based on the politics they do. Just it is painful to listen to this crap. Maybe we should just get it over with, take 10, 20, 30 million (whatever is "enough" for us to be liberal and responsible) immigrants from the third world and then everybody could be happy.