Originally Posted By: mulberry
The MC gangs were put in prison. The police are afraid to arrest Africans and Arabs for fear of being labeled racist. It isn't the SD or MC that made Swedish cities the rape capital of Europe.

"The rape capitals of Europe". Are you f*cking serious? Have you been here? We are by far the greatest country in Europe to live in. Of course I wouldnt like to live in certain parts of Mamö but I wouldnt not like to live in South Central, South Bronx or Cabrini Green either. The murder rate in whole of Sweden an average year is around 100, thats 3 times less than that of New York.

A larger number of the immigrants are self employed in various service businesses and working hard. The ones that are not and are totally unwilling to adopt should of course pack up and leave but they are not the big percentage.

Come on now, give me another lecture on my own country that you know so much about.