Originally Posted By: goldhawkroad
Sure we have problems in Sweden with integration. But in all, we have very little problems compared to most major cities in the US. In the 90s a big mc fight ravaged in and around Malmö, I sure didnt hear the SD people talk in terms of the nation going under then. Maybe because SD was a nazi party back then and was marginalized. Now they have 20% of the votes (mostly people in rural areas, far away from the major cities) and THAT worries at least me.

You'd be better off with the SD. This multiculturalism bullshit you're nanny state has been pushing since the 80s has backfired majorly and anyone can see that. The real solution is to stop letting in these Arabs and Africans into your country and try to assimilate to rest who actually have something to contribute.

Swedish culture and Muslim/African culture is like oil and water. They don't mix