Originally posted by long_lost_corleone:
You won't be dissapointed Aziatic! Great film, it was said that Fear and Loathing was novel that was near impossible to make into a film due to Thompson's strange and unique style of writing, but Gilliam really captured the feel of the story, and Thompson's presence, real well.

If you enjoy the film, I really recomend the book; it's 10 times funnier than the film, and the film was pretty damn funny. But, the great thing about Fear and Loathing is beneath all the jokes you have a real story, which is something most American comedies (comprised of nothing but fart-jokes) lack. On top of that, the soundtrack is amazing.
Good things to hear about a movie llc, I'll post what I think of it as soon as I see it.
I had to decide between this, JFK and Fight Club and my sis told me BUY THIS CUZ OF JOHNNY DEPP
Anyways the other 2 have to wait till July cuz I purchased too many DVDs this month I guess.

Quote of the Moment:

"Fredo - you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever."
Michael Corleone

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