Yes, Jay Z is - so is Leonardo DiCaprio and the actor from Seinfeld called 'Cosmo Kramer' (Michael Richards) - he was even on the front cover of the monthly Freemasons magazine at one point.

I am researching freemasons for a media thing and one researcher who has been feeding me his research has already been threatened by the masons.

"People who research this stuff end up dead" is what they told him.

That was after the masons located him, contacted him (they were unknown to each other at the time), and asked if they could visit his home to talk about what he knew.

The information I have discovered so far is scandalous and explosive, but it will be a long time before the doco film ever gets finished or released, if ever.

"It was all crap, right up to the moment he died" - an investigator's opinion - and epitaph - of John Holmes (Johnny Wadd)

"Drunk words are sober thoughts" - Anon.