Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
Of course there are rackets, obviously, don't get me wrong... Just not sure if it as ripe as you think, DB

It's not. And I have no idea where he gets the idea that there's little or no heat up there.

Originally Posted By: DB
WS probably ranking it in with all the construction any garbage up there without many watching or caring

You mean like the 2006 case that put Tommy Milo and Jimmy Galante out of the garbage business for good? The case where the Feds sold property and equipment that belonged to Jimmy and Tommy for pennies on the dollar?

And it wasn't because of fines or forfeiture, it was out of pure spite. They could have paid that money ten times over. And that's not to mention the millions in cash fines and that it was Matty's last case as an active Westside guy. The guy was a legend, and went out like a bum in a shit case.

And as far as bookmaking, shylocking and the scrutiny that go along with them, every Stamford based Gambino soldier, from Cosmo to Piccolo to Breezy to Tony himself, has either ended up murdered, or doing multiple multi-year stretches.

What I'm leading up to is this: For a town its size, Stamford probably receives more Federal attention (again, per capita) than New York does. That's why they haven't made anyone up there since Tony back in '88.

Now, we'll see what happens. If they make a local, it's status quo. If they send someone up to take over who's Bronx-based but lives in Upper Westchester, it's a whole new ball game. And there ain't shit they can do about it.

Sorry for he rant, DB. You're a good guy. But you have no idea the harassment that Tony and his family had to endure. Rhonda (his wife) would receive regular visits from the Feds WHILE TONY WAS IN JAIL.

Again, I hope I didn't offend you. But this one was rough and hit pretty close to home.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.