The list above is from an old poster named "salviardi" on the RD forum years ago. It's as BS as the Milwaukee charts "Milwaukee Phil" used to post that showed 30+ members for that family.

The only members I'm aware of Fernando "Nondo" Bartolotta (I think he's close to 60 now) and Frank Palazollo (should be in his early 70's).

I've seen Vincent "Vinny" Cammarata, Vincent Giordano, Giacomo "Jack" Parrino, and Joseph "Jack" Pisciotta listed as possibly made at times but I think some of them may be dead now.

Members who have died since 2000 include Dominic "Beaver" Biondo (2002), Joseph Crimini (2003), Joseph "Joe" Cammarata (2013), and Anthony "Nino" Parrino (2014).

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.