But it isn't. We know this from guys like Adrian Humphreys and Antonio Nicaso. Vito severed ties with the Bonannos after the Sciascia murder. During meetings with Vitals, Vito would leave an empty seat next to his, which would be where Sciascia would've sat. After a couple of those in which Vitale did nothing but lie, Vito stopped answering to NY Bonannos all together. And his time spent on the street before he was indicted in the US was mostly spent enforcing that split and building his family up as an independent one. Vito stopped answering to Massino long before Massino flipped. So much so, that in the "Sixth Family", Vitale is also quoted as saying such, stating that it worried Massino. Without Vito's say, the Bonannos held no power in Canada. And Im sure Vito knew that at that point, Massino wasn't sending anyone to Canada to intimidate him. He would've been shipped back to NY in a box.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 07/21/15 07:54 AM.