Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
'By then'?
Honour is practically a myth in the history of LCN.
Look at the amount of rapists in LCN, the amount of guys who got whacked over money, power, jealousy etc etc. the amount of guys who moved H. Used H. Sold to kids. Extorted the poor working class. Their FELLOW paisan.
Honour? By then?
Never was to start with.

It's hard to argue with facts. In today's world, Christy Tick would be considered a serial rapist and he'd most certainly be a registered sex offender. He wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting straightened out. Yet due to his involvement in the Commission Case, he's surrounded by a certain mystique that a bunch of morons buy into.

And he's not a wiseguy, but if you've never read the book "Raging Bull," you should. Jake LaMotta casually admits to at least two rapes that he made seem as routine as dinner and a movie. Lowlife scumbag.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.