Originally Posted By: Neo
Originally Posted By: tt120
i saw jackie on 3rd and 85th outside of the chipotle on wednesday evening talking with two other guys who looked like they were straight out of central casting. i passed by and actually heard him mention something about gotti to one of the other guys, "everyone thinks that hanging out with john gotti was..." and thats all i heard. i did a double take when i heard that and instantly recgonized d'amico. kind of ironic. he looks like he hasnt aged a day compared to those pictures he was always in with gotti during the late 80s

im curious about his status and whether or not he still runs a crew. i know at one point him and cefalu were both in the administration at the same time. everyone said he was always broke... thats gotta be a relative term bc i highly doubt he is

I'll finish that sentence for you...

".....a good thing, but in reality it just brought a lot of fucking trouble."

"Everyone thinks that hanging out with John Gotti was... Fun... But truth was he Fukin killed us with his non-stop demands. It weren't easy, let me tell u fellas that. He even called me Fukin CRIPPLED & I don't blame him"