Originally Posted By: CleanBandit
My personal opinion is that, as long as the word didn't get back to Cefalu that Agnello is directly using the Gambinos to get ahead, he(Cefalu) didn't want any ties to Agnello and that he didn't really give a fuck what Agnello is doing with his life.

I'm gonna cut to the chase, though, CB (no pun intended with the word chase). Carmine got chased. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. If he was dumb enough to try to bullshit these Cleveland guys into believing that he was still under the Gambino flag, he's probably better off in prison.

Fucking idiot. 55, looks 65, about to go in for a ten piece all out of sheer stupidity and not being able to control his criminal minded tendencies. It's not like he needed the money.

I have no pity for this moron. And I'll be honest, when he was going through the divorce from Vicki, I felt bad for HIM. You think it's easy being married into THAT family?

But today he has no excuse.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.