I think there was one of these already made but I did a search and didn't find anything. Anyway, this is a place where I thought it'd be cool to post anything DVD related. I'll probably be using it to vent my frustration. I got 19 DVD's for Christmas but I'm sad to hear that one of them (Man on Fire) is going to get a special edition made sometime next year. Look's like there's something else I've gotta buy. Why do DVD companies ALWAYS do this now? Release a crappy version & than a couple of months later re-release them & screw us, THE CONSUMER over!

Now I realize that with titles such as Scarface, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, etc I do not mind buying them a 2nd time for special features. But at least New Line releases them at the same time sometimes. The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre was released both as a single & double disc, as was Master and Commander by Fox. But it just pisses me off to have to pay for a movie twice! Just release it right the first time (i.e. Man on Fire)!