You have to be careful about what you read about al capone from the journalist back in those days,the mafia kept the journalists in the dark about the inner workings and it made the journalists guess a lot just to get the headlines.they also mis-quoted mobsters, the most famous mis-quote about capone camed from guzik, a reporter asked him if Capone will return as boss and the mis-quote that made the headlines was "guzik says that al is as nutty as a fruit cake" when all that guzik said was "you guys think al is as nutty as a fruit cake, you guys think he can't walk a mile without holding someone's hands" it was sarcasm om guzik's part nothing more

"McGurn likes you, so I make you. So you are now one of us, if you fuck up, we take it out on McGurn. He is your sponsor. Fuck up, it's his ass. You work in his crew, he is your capo."