Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Saw Terminator Genisys.

I guess the best way to put it is, it's the best of the last three, though that's not saying much. It's worth seeing, I suppose, but is it a worthy sequel to the first two films by Cameron which are masterpieces? No. Sort of like Revenge of the Sith being the best of the three Star Wars prequels but not worthy of the original three which are timeless classics. I continue to look at Terminator and Terminator 2 on their own and simply wish Cameron had not sold the rights and had done a third film himself to round out a trilogy.

"T2" is up there with "The Godfather, Part II" on the greatest sequels of all time list. I know that the third "Lord of the Rings" film won Best Picture. But that's not a genre that interests me in the slightest.

Hell, I'm not even a sci-fi guy. But I love the first two "Terminator" films, and "Quantum Leap" is my favorite sci-fi show of all time. I could never get into "Star Trek," either.

I would also add Aliens to the short list of films as good or better than the original. Something so hard to do and James Cameron did it twice.

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