Not if you are staring down at them from NYC.

Bruno controlled Sindone and Narducci. They were local heavyweights and involved outside of Philly, only as much as Bruno allowed. Bruno always understood that NYC had the power; so he wasn't going to risk his relationships by allowing others in his family to get close to the power.

For some odd reason Narducci was never able to grasp this concept; that NYC had the control. He must have been under a rock when Bruno was killed. Bananas must have been a fool too. He wins a huge sitdown the year before, FROM Tieri, then reconnects with the guy and thinks he's got the power and kills Bruno. And then he ends up dead.

What you should really be asking yourself is how Narducci and Casella could move on Testa AFTER they saw what happened to Bananas and his brother in law Freddy Salerno. You think they didn't know that the commission killed them?

If anything, I would think that Johnny Keys would have been spared. He had that Peanuts Tronolone guy from Clevelend who was tied into the Genovese to go to. I read that he was killed on Scarfo's request because he asked someone in the Gambino family if he had a shot at boss.. But I also read he was a conpirator in the Bruno murder and that's why he was killed.

I agree with PHL_MOB in that that Casella must have had some HUGE heavyweight help to get his life spared. Otherwise, dead.

But the moral of this story is that all of those guys were expendable.

Originally Posted By: JCrusher
I mean Tony Bananas, Frank Sindone, Johnny Keys Simone, Chickie Narducci were all more important guys than Casella and they were killed for their participation

Boss of tha toilet!