There were 20 made members, among them Rizzutos, Cotronis and others, who offically belonged to the Bonanno family. They formed the Montreal crew, which in turn consisted of two factions of people loyal to the Rizzutos and those loyal to Cotroni. The Rizzuto faction was largely composed of Sicillians from Cattolica Eraclea while the Cotroni faction consisted of guys who hailed from other parts of Italy. Originally the Montreal crew consisted mainly of the Cotronis and their people. The two factions were formed after many Sicillians settled in Montreal in the 1960s and 70s. By 1975 the Sicillians in Montreal had eclipsed the Controni faction and that is when they made their move to take over the Montreal crew. The deciding factor in this was most likely the fact that by that time the Sicillians controlled the drug trade, which gave them a lot of influence within New York Mafia circles. By the 1990s the Montreal crew was again functioning as one enterprise, but it seems the two factions never completely disappeared. When Sal Montagna, ironically a Sicillian, settled in Montreal, people who used to be loyal to the Cotronis sided with him against the Rizzutos.

However, with the deaths of Joe Di Maulo and Moreno Gallo, both heavy hitters within the old Cotroni group, we can asume that this faction now no longer exists. Based on the new round table it seems that the Sicillian faction has taken over completely.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."