I lived in bensonhurst, seen scars hundreds of times in the decades i lived there, like i seen a hundred made guys from that nabe, that guy was very well liked, i was shocked he flipped, he was fighting his own fights his whole life, this notion he was a punk like every other guy who rats is nonsense. gravano was no punk, gas was no punk..barone was no punk..they ratted, bad move, their lives they gave to CN was wasted.. these guys didn't say one day i will flip, kill everyone , rob everyone then flip. i don't believe that. maybe some guys do have a plan, scars attempted suicide.was that his plan to rat/ ? skins did the same.some who did not know him would say he was not a tough guy, well if you knew him , you would say he is very fair, straight shooter, not blood thirsty, the nabe knows of a story, he fought two street guys when he was a captain.they did not know each other, he got the first punch in and that was it, he got banged up, when the guys found out who it was they ran away and went to a guy who was a captain for help, when this guy reaches out to scars , the guy says their with me they didn't know who you were, scars answers, i did not have a sign on that i'm a good fellow, i had many fights ill have more..tell them to not to worry.its over..when i heard that i was surprised..but later thought this guy follows the rules and is not hung up on killing ,which he could have done..i'm sorry he flipped , nobody i know had anything bad to say about him..but nobody from that nabe can openly talk good about him now that he flipped.he would have been a great boss . and whom ever said before he regrets what he did..my opinion i feel the same.