Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Hey, Spam's a big part of the Hawaiian food culture. No bullshit. I have no idea why, but it is. Look it up.

Thanks Mr. D. Equis,

Wow. It's a bit baffling that they've incorporated Spam of all things into their food culture. I'm gonna have to find an interview or online vid that explains it.
Lot of traditional cultures around the world love pork....but it's from their local pigs/boars.Haitians LOVE pork...for example and I'd guess Polynesians love pork too...but there is a big difference between pork from locally raised pigs and processed can meats like Spam.
Wouldn't be surprised if health issues have grown in their communities since they've added Spam to their diets.
I put up some vids before about the "Roseto effect" and how community of Italian Americans in PA. were healthier with less health issues than any other community and it was partly because they were growing and making their own food as much as possible and not eating superprocessed crap with nutrients taken out and chemicals added.

So I'm surprised that Hawaiians IN Hawaii have added the ultimate processed food,Spam, to their diets. I figured maybe Hawaiians who lived on mainland USA and couldn't get their local foods would do it ,but not the actual people there.WOW.